Financial Services

Developing a High-Impact Trade Show Lead Magnet for Global EMS

Creating a cost-savings calculator and automated follow-up system to capture and engage trade show leads.


Global EMS

Products/services used

  • Mobile-Ready Landing Page
  • Multi-Step Cost-Savings Calculator
  • Automated Email Follow-Up


Global EMS, a leader in payroll processing and financial services for global workforces, needed a powerful tool to capture and engage leads at trade shows. The goal was to demonstrate the tangible financial benefits of their services to potential clients in a compelling and interactive way.

Global EMS Trade Show Lead Magnet


Global EMS required a trade show lead magnet that could effectively capture the attention of potential clients and provide them with a clear understanding of how much profit they could inject into their company by using Global EMS’ services. The solution needed to be mobile-friendly, easy to use, and capable of delivering personalized results.


Blue Atlas Marketing developed a fully-functional cost-savings calculator designed to serve as a trade show lead magnet. We created a mobile-ready landing page that hosted the calculator, which walked users through a multi-step process to calculate potential savings. Additionally, we implemented an automated email follow-up system that engaged all users who submitted their information, providing them with personalized insights and encouraging further engagement with Global EMS.


Increased Lead Capture: The interactive calculator effectively attracted and captured more leads at trade shows, providing Global EMS with valuable contact information for follow-up.

Enhanced User Engagement: The multi-step calculator and mobile-ready design ensured that users had a seamless experience, resulting in higher completion rates and more meaningful interactions.

Effective Lead Nurturing: The automated email follow-up system kept Global EMS top-of-mind with prospects, delivering personalized content and driving further engagement.

Demonstrated Value: The cost-savings calculator clearly communicated the financial benefits of Global EMS’ services, helping to convert leads into clients by showcasing the potential profit they could gain.

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